Saturday, 1 September 2018

Ad Exchange initiates an open auction by sending you a request/callout with information for an available impression. What triggers Ad Exchange to do this?

  1. When a user requests a web page, the empty ad slots (or ad tags) in the user’s browser send a request for ad content to the publisher’s sell-side platform (SSP), which pings Ad Exchange to initiate an auction.
  2. Ad Exchange initiates an auction as soon as the buyer or the media agency inputs their creatives into their bidder’s interface, targeting desired inventory.
  3. Your bidding technology pings Ad Exchange with bidding information. Should there be any impressions available, Ad Exchange will initiate an auction.
  4. When a publisher makes impressions available, their sell-side platform pings Ad Exchange to request ad content. Once Ad Exchange has available bids, it initiates the auction.